Meet your Writing Guru

What makes me qualified to give you advice? How am I different from any other guy or gal on the internet? Well, I do have a few unique writing qualifications.

I have been writing on and off since I was eight years old. My first newspaper article was published in the local paper when I was nine. I began my first novel at twelve. Sure, that book didn’t go anywhere but it was the beginning of a life long love of written works.

“I know a very little about a lot of topics.”

My background is the fantastic combination of writing practice and business guru. I have a BA in Journalism and an MBA with a focus on Global Studies and B-Corps.  My life experience has been an eclectic mix so far, which provides a strong basis for inspiration. Some of my past work experiences include: journalism, marketing,  technical writing, business management, CEO and law enforcement. How did I manage to live such a full life in my thirty one years? I like to say it is because I know a very little about a lot of topics. The truth is much simpler: I said yes. I said yes to myself.  The other reason, I knew when and where to ask for help. I knew how to research answers from both known professionals and the business world. Because of my background in business, I am able to sniff out which resources to take with you and which ones are better off left behind.

Currently, I have one short story and one novel self-published on Amazon. They are under a pseudonym at the moment; however, I will be releasing them on this page soon. I am in the process of having my first manuscript (really, the first one I ever wrote!) published by Champagne Book Group.

Besides myself, I will be asking author friends and seasoned professionals to offer up some of their advice to prospective new writers.  I have a true belief that we are not in competition with each other. Authors have enough negativity to deal with in daily rejection letters. We need a place to help each other, share our ideas and rock the literary world. I want to share my knowledge and love of researching to help you. Hopefully you will find some of this useful and spread the information like wildfire.

If you have any specific questions, topics you would like to cover or guests you would like me to reach out to, please comment.

You can follow me on twitter, instagram and facebook.





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